Originally Posted by MPower
Blast a ship down to about 20% health, let it regen a bit up over half then blast it a bit more. I can capture about 1 in every 6 ships or so by doing that.
I was referring to Capital Class ships that are hardcoded to not be captureable. You need a script/mod for people in M1 or higher(I think?)ships to bail before it blows up.
For whatever reason it was taking forever for my UTs to make much cash, and I had Stations pretty much selling their resources nonstop and I wasn't really getting anywhere.
Awesome game but it was getting boring because I couldn't make any progress.
I had a SPP(M), and a Plankton farm(M) in Kingdom's End. With two traders assigned to each one(with Jumpdrives, and every single software you can buy) they would sell the resources nonstop but it just took forever to make any profit.