Originally Posted by Grancey
I have no compassion for this monster. This will be resolved in the courts, and he will probably spend the rest of his 60 or so years in prison, at our expense.
There will always be monsters in society. We can either become the monsters we try to stop (interesting) or we can be above those monsters (not so interesting but better in the long run) and try to ensure it doesn't happen again. Either everyone is allowed to be the monster (and lethal justice is carried out in a dog-eat-dog way) or no one is allowed to be a monster (and we grant the overlookers of society to carry out lethal justice).
I am all about getting use out of prisoners. If they are going to die, donate their body to science. It doesn't have to be living, if they want to be donated after death. Make them do the work that no one else likes doing. Is that slavery... I don't think so but this is just an argument I don't want to go down because... I don't want to Google stuff anymore for right now.
Edit 1: "Everyone or no one is allowed to be a monster..."