Originally Posted by flstf
Even Hillary when asked if she thinks Obama is a Muslim hedged her answer with "as far as I know he isn't".
To be fair, she was HEAVILY prodded to that so-called hedge. The conversation went (and I paraphrase):
"Do you believe Obama is Muslim?"
"No, of course he's not."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I'm sure. He says he's not a Muslim. I have no reason to believe otherwise. Insinuating that is offensive to both Senator Obama AND Muslims."
"You sure?"
"Well, yes. I'm going to take the man at his word. He's not a Muslim."
"You sure?"
"Yes! Absolutely, as far as I know, the man is not a Muslim."
"AHA! You said 'as far is I know'! GOTCHA!!"
I'm fairly pro-Obama, and I'm clear that so-called hedge wasn't REALLY a hedge.
The rest of your post is very well taken, though, flstf. The guy has had to climb uphill, and I'm proud of America he's made it as far as he has.