Originally Posted by Xazy
The answer to this is no I have never, I know some Rabbi's who would make remarks I would not agree with, but then again I would never go to their synagogue every week, nor have them preside over my wedding, and my kids Bris, naming etc..
I find it exceedingly hard to believe that you have a Rabbi who is a perfect copy of your own beliefs. On the off-chance that's actually true, I'd contend that the only reason it's true is because you were socialized from a very young age to have those views, in which case you didn't choose the Rabbi, you were bred for that particular view. In the off-chance
that's not the case, then you've got to be the most lucky and awesome spiritual person in America.
I don't know a
single person in real life who has never disagreed with something their religious leader has said and still followed that person to some degree.
Seriously, I don't think you realize just how ridiculously unreasonable your expectation is. Not only that, I think it's pretty dangerous to be in a position where you agree with everything your religious leader says. It shows that you're more interested in being told things you agree with than having your own views challenged and thinking for yourself. I know a lot of Catholics who would either have no candidate to vote for in any election, or who would not have any church to go to, if they insisted that they agree with everything their religious leaders say. Anytime you find yourself agreeing 100% with someone on a consistent basis...it's time to find someone different to pay attention to.