Originally Posted by ottopilot
Hopefully both Obama and Rev. Wright have learned from their mistakes and will now take full responsibility. It's never too late for someone to redeem themselves honestly and come out stronger for it.
Yeah, well, he just did. Did you read/watch/listen to the speech?
Originally Posted by Xazy
The answer to this is no I have never, I know some Rabbi's who would make remarks I would not agree with, but then again I would never go to their synagogue every week, nor have them preside over my wedding, and my kids Bris, naming etc..
I think it's pretty different in black churches. Your Rabbi probably doesn't touch politics from the pulpit. And even if he did, you can't imagine just sort of rolling your eyes about parts you don't believe in? I've done that, in the lilly-white Episcopal church I grew up in.
Originally Posted by Xazy
As far as his speech, I take it with a grain of salt, he wants to be elected, there is a possible fire, so he gets his speech writer team together (and we all know every politician have them), not sure which were involved in this speech, but they wrote an amazing one.
Actually, word is he mostly wrote it himself.