I can't give you any new advice as to how to lose your virginity since everything, good and bad, has already been said.
I can, however, tell you that when I was still a virgin I used to idolize sex much in the same way that you seem to. My first time was very disappointing; I remember thinking: "This is it? This sucks". That is because I was simply going through the motion of sex which is what would happen with a hooker. It is much like jacking off except you get to see a girl make funny faces. Jacking off was better than my first time.
Being a virgin doesn't actually change anything. Usually the first time you have sex with a new girl it's always somewhat awkward and never as satisfying as the times afterwards with that same girl. So to repeat what most people said: don't worry so much about it, it doesn't change much in the end.
everything will be OK in the end.
if it's not OK, it's not the end. unknown