Originally Posted by Push-Pull
Milnoc, if you've considered a Prince Albert, I have to say that it isn't as bad as some would think. I had mine done in June, started at a 10 gauge, and just tonight sized up to a 6 gauge. I won't say that it has added anything major in the sensation department, but it does make it "different", and that alone was enough for it to be worthwhile for me. If interested, check out my thread HERE.
Hi Push-Pull,
I've considered it, but decided to skip it for now. Even with a properly sized PW, there can still be some urine leakage out of the PA orifice. Also, I still want to confirm I can handle a foreign object in my urethra. The pinless PW allows me to experiment without making a lifelong commitment.
I'm still in my early forties, so I have time to try it out later if I decide to go through with it. Heck! I've found out that many piercers got their start between 30 and 50, sometimes later! Surprisingly, they don't all start young.
I can even imagine a scenario where these older guys will give a piercing as a gift on their children's sixteenth birthday! They wouldn't have to accept that kind of a gift of course. It is a bit on the radical side. But how cool would it be to have parents that would offer such a gift to their kids?
I've read your thread and must admit you've went through one hell of an experience there! Congrats on the highly positive outcome! And kudos to your wonderful wife for being so supportive!