Originally Posted by powerclown
dc_dux, big "race speech" by Obama tomorrow. Quite timely, don't you think?
powerclown...what the fuck is he supposed to do?
He is giving a speech on race not just to deal with the pastor's remarks which has already disavowed repeatedly, but also i
n part because of baseless bullshit like your post that are rampant on right wing blogs, message boards, fox, townhall.com, etc. that have infused questions about his race and religion into the campaign...
Obama had a 20 yr relationship with Farrakhan....Obama went to a muslim madrassa as a child and was indoctrinated....Obama does not pledge his allegiance to the flag of the US because of his secret hidden muslim faith....Obama would take the oath of office holding the koran....
...and in part to suggest that this country needs to have an honest, open dialogue about race if we are to move forward and come together as a nation.
But I wont be surprised when the wingnut critics spin the speech.