Originally Posted by Yakk
I've been expecting at least a few firms to die from over purchase of bad mortgage-backed securities.
Bear Sterns in particular wasn't an apparently healthy company.
Note that it is in the financial interest of someone in a bear market position to encourage the perception of a bear market.
If you're talking about me, Yakk.... three things for you to take however you like.
I held no positions in ANY stocks or other securities between 4:00 pm lastfriday and 8:00 am this morning, when the am pre-market trading session opened.
I started the "1992 Redux?" thread on US economic conditions on MArch 3, 2007. I've made some pretty accurate observations and predictions, in the OP on that thread, and since.
Does this look "normal" to you? It is the Wall Street firm, Lehman Bros. price chart covering today's regular trading session, since 9:30 am. This isn't an "internet stock", it is a "white shoes" blue blood investment bank and brokerage, and there seems to be disagreement on it's stock's valuation:
<img src="http://ichart.finance.yahoo.com/b?s=LEH">