Originally Posted by silent_jay
You've also stated that you're most likely voting for Obama anyways, so I don't think what you've said in other threads has a point.
SM has given you the link twice now pan, no need for ignorance, try reading the man's platform before saying he's only about one thing. Besides reading about Obama is something you need to do, you know more about McCain than you do about Obama, those are your own words not mine.
So really I don't think you have enough knowledge to say that Obama voters only say they're voting for change.
Besides we still have what you are ignoring, you've already said you'll most likely vote for the man, then said you need more convincing, and need someone with more backbone. I've said it before and I'll say it again, you're a walking contradiction on this one pan, you don't know what's going on.
I know what's going on. I just choose to have some fun.
See once I'm called a racist and have all these implications thrown at me and put on the defensive.... I just want to rattle cages now.
I tried to get people to see hat this whole Rev. Wright thing would be an issue and that how they answered the charges would help their cause. But I didn't know anything.
I tried to change the way people interact by asking why call people prejudicial names like racist, bigot, etc and not just answer the issues. But I was still doing it for my own purposes (so I was told).
Anyone who has followed my rantings over the years knows I am extremely consistent with my views and posts.
But again, after being called racist, issues minimized and the whole holier than thou attitudes..... I'm going to just say whatever comes to mind and have some fun and here's the secret.... once I was called a racist and those implications made.... I don't care what people think anymore, obviously they haven't a clue as to who I am but they are quick to label. Just kind of recognize it as civil disobedience or place me on ignore and be done with the foolishness.
As for calling Hilary "Shrillary", I have called her that over the years here. And I find it funny that now when I say I support her, still don't like here but I support her.... I am told I shouldn't call her that. Again, I truly don't care.
As Billy Joel once sang, "Say a word out of line, you'll find out the friends you had are gone, forever, forever...... Say goodbye to Hollywood"