Mom goes out to check what's happening and gets verbally abused by him and his fellow pigs ,so I ended up calling the cops on the cops ,poetic justice.
Calling them pigs does nothing for your cause, nor does it really relate to the story at all. It makes you sound like a disrespectful juvenile who doesn't realize how tough a police officer's job really is.
If you want to hate police officers, do it elsewhere.
To the OP: I doubt any violent retribution will occur, but continuing to let this "drug house" go unstopped will dramatically increase the chances that it will. Check out the "Broken Window Theory" -
The longer you continue to allow something like this to happen in your neighborhood, the more of it will start to appear. Frankly, I'd call the cops every time you see something illegal - huffing, drinking underage, etc. They'll either stop, or move their ruckus inside behind closed blinds. If the neighbors truly ARE worried about retribution, then they should seek to secure their house in whatever manner they see fit.
You should NEVER be bullied into not calling the police. They're there for a reason.