So, a little late to the party, but I finally got around to listening to the videos in the thread.
For the second video, the one about the tax issues with the church, I can see how that might be an issue for the church, and it sounds like the pastor crossed the line as far as endorsing a candidate, but that's an issue *for the church* and for the pastor, not obama at all. Unless he somehow conspired or asked to be endorsed from the pulpit. And, really, that sort of thing is pretty darn common, to be honest. Not that I'm defending it.
Now, the really meaty one - the first video. I think the pastor crossed the line a bit, but, to be honest, not by very much. Do you believe in a Righteous God that damns those who do evil? Then it follows pretty well that if America does evil things, God may damn us for them. Starting the Iraq war could very well be viewed as an evil thing, and we might therefore expect such a God to damn us for it.
This is exactly the same logic as Pat Robertson, the Hagee guy that McCain got to endorse him, and similar preachers use to say that America is damned for allowing gays, muslims, catholics and whatnot go on living. I don't agree with either sentiment, but, really, if I had to pick, I'd pick the God who damns an entire country for going to war for no good reason resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths over the God that damns a country for allowing dudes to marry dudes.
Also, notice that the first video is clearly a hit piece, assembling choice inflammatory quotes without any of the context.
Add to this the fact the Obama has already denounced these views, and this is not much of an issue for me - it is still somewhat of one, because I do think the people who one chooses to associate with say something about a person, and I think some of Rev Wright's views are inflammatory and unhelpful.
This article sums it up pretty well, and raises the point once again that neither Clinton or McCain are questioned on their religious views as strongly has Obama has been: