Originally Posted by matthew330
My reaction to roachboy's post was as dismissive and irrelevant as his was to this thread, with the exception is wasn't veiled in collegiate language. The conservativeland reference is old and meaningless and intentional. It is meant to end a conversation that's not going the way you want it to.
Your post was more overtly insulting toward Seaver and deserved my response, so again...not impressed by your sudden "feigned" disappointment in my attitude.
Oh, believe me, I am not disappointed with your attitude one bit.
Seaver stated that the only reason someone like me would say the things I do is to 'be popular.' I think my response was totally appropos.
Veiled in collegiate language? What exactly does that mean? I think he stated what he meant pretty clearly.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
I blame poor nutrition and recreational drug use.
Well, I eat very well and, frankly, I've gotten much worse since I stopped smoking pot.