Drugs, Sex, and Neighbors...
So recently, a house in our neighborhood was foreclosed. As a result, the owners decided to rent this house out to a 'friend'. All seemed well until about a month ago, when it was noticed that there were only teenagers [11-15 years old] residing there, and that everyday, several cars would pull up, more teens would get out, go in, stay for a few hours, get out and leave.
The situation worsened when on weekends they would throw parties. Over two-three dozen teens [Keep in mind, once again, all are aged 11-18] were drinking alcohol, smoking, and doing what appeared to be "huffing" [they had drilled into their A/C unit, would release the Frion [SP] from the A/C into a ziplock bag, and huff it in]. The house to their left was empty, and the house to the right is occupied by a nice family who wanted to remain neutral.
Well, as with every neighborhood, there was always one woman who couldn't keep her nose out of it [even though she doesn't live in the vicinity], and she ended up calling the police, even though the neighors who live to their right did not want her to. The police arrived, arrested four teens [a fifth got away, it was a slow night], and alerted the neighbors to the right that the house was pretty much a drug house. It was rented out by a man. The man's girlfriend had teenagers, and he did not like them paticularily much, so he rented the house for them while he was touring Europe. The house turned into a drug house, within which Middle Schoolers and High Schoolers alike would come and buy drugs from. The police ended up letting the children go, presumbably sentencing them to a court date. None were arrested.
Now, the neighbor's to the right are paranoid and afraid that there might be retribution against them, and that they might be mistaken for the people who called the police [They wanted to, but they were afraid to]. They told me about how they're worried, and how they plan on getting a home security system.
So the main thing here is, in all honesty, what are the chances that a bunch of young teenagers, are going to attack their neighbors? Has anyone ever had experience with this sort of problem, or a similar problem with neighbors from hell [if so, please do share]? Is it just an irrational fear that I should help dispel, or is it a serious and viable threat to them?