Yes, if you make my concerns about me by calling me a racist and/or minimizing them or putting me on the defense.... I will be pissed and I will start bringing it up every chance I can to remind you that you are not addressing the issues but using attacks to try to silence the questions.
All the above shows me is that Hagee is a white ultra christianic Wright.... racism and bigotry go both ways.
But McCain doesn't seek Hagee as his "spiritual mentor". I can prove many times over where Obama has said that Wright was his.
Seeking one's political support is not the same as going to the church, going to his house once a week, marrying in his garden, naming him godfather to your children and not saying anything about his hatespeak UNTIL it looks like it may cost you votes.
So don't give me lectures how McCain's case is the same it's not even close in my eyes.
You want to address the issue and leave me out of it? Let's do it. But so far it's just personal attacks, it's "look at what McCain does...." and no true responses over why didn't Obama stand up against Wright in 01 when Wright was going off? Why would Obama want to go to a church and call the leader his spiritual mentor, AFTER this man went to Libya with Farrakhan in the 80's (when we weren't to friendly and Farrakhan would come back and talk about how great things were planned with Khaddafi....).
Obama waited too late for me. I have gone to churches and been associated with people who were true racists and bigots and once I saw what they were teaching I left and distanced myself. I immediately disassociated myself.
Obama sits there for 20 years and does nothing UNTIL it looks like he may lose votes? Then and only then does he say.... um I don't approve of any of this.
So in 3 years after people in his cabinet fuck something up and his reelection looks doubtful will he stand up and say..... I don't approve of any of this.
Sorry. But I need more convincing to vote for this man.
I need someone with a bit of a backbone.
(I'm sure the response will only talk about how McCain does and did and says and blah blah blah..... ok so I vote for the lesser of 2 evils.... McCain he still has proven more backbone than Obama. I still know more about McCain than I do about Obama and I have never really been much of a McCain fan.)
Wow.... I truly never thought 2 years ago I'd be saying this but..... given the choices I like Hilary, she is closest to my stands and I think she'd lead better than either of the other 2.
I did like Obama somewhat until all the "ask that question you're a racist.." "Don't go there" and so on tactics. Makes me wonder what else he is covering up
Originally Posted by aceventura3
Unless a person has lived through "Jim Crow" the way many Black Americans in the Reverend's generation has, you should give the Reverend an opportunity to vent.
This is a non-issue. I understand the mental midget, Sean Hannity from Fox making an issue of this, but I am surprised by others who are.
I think it's the responses by his followers, the implications of racism, the flat out calls of racism, etc.
It is an issue tho.
Venting is one thing, going to Libya in the 80's with Farrakhan is something entirely different. And you should know that.