I think Mario Galaxy and Smash Bros. are by far the best games on Wii, but there are a handful of notable titles.
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Wario Ware
Resident Evil 4 (the best version of RE4 is on Wii)
Trauma Center
Zack and Wiki
Metroid Prime 3
yep... honestly not a ton of great Wii games, but enough to keep you occupied until the next good first party release comes out. Not sure what nintendo's planning now that Smash Bros is out... I guess maybe Wii Fit is their next big thing, but I don't think it's going to be NEARLY as big in the US as it is in Japan... I just don't think americans will be as receptive to "leaning side to side" and the "stepping on and off" dancing game. I guess I just hate innovation, or love having fun.