Originally Posted by dc_dux
How many times does Obama have to disavow and disassociate himself from Wright's comments to appease those who are not likely to vote for him anyway?
One question that was never answered in the other theard that dealt with this? Why doesnt McCain (and any past Republican candidate of the last 20+ years) get the same scrutiny for his (their) actively seeking the endorsement of religious leaders like Pat Roberston and John Hagee who make equally bigoted or offensive remarks?
Because this isn't about McCain, this is about Obama.
You want to start a thread on McCain and his endorsers then go ahead. But this is about Obama.
McCain doesn't say Robertson or Hagee are his spiritual mentors, he doesn't have them sitting on some religious board in his campaign, he doesn't say he turns to them for his spiritual guidance. Neither of them has gone on a trip to Libya in the 80's with one of the biggest, truest of RACISTS Louis Farrakhan as did Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
It's not so much Obama that bothers me over all this. It's the fact that one cannot express how they truly feel about this without being dubbed, implicated as, referred to as a racist and the issue is expected to drop because "only a racist would bring it up.... there's no substance to it except it shows you are a racist..... etc."
Another one of my favorites is "well, you are passionate about this and because of that you are a racist." I'm passionate about it because this is the fucking presidency we are talking about, the leader of our country and I have every right to question his moral character, his choice of spiritual mentor and the church he goes to without having to be attacked.