Originally Posted by Infinite_Loser
Now, assuming there are an infinite number of possibilities for God, then how can one claim, with any reasonable faith, that no God exists? The admission that there are an infinite number of possibilities for God precludes atheism. To make such a statement while claiming to be an atheist is-- Dare I say it?-- Logically incoherent.
I'm not following, how can we assume there are an infinite number of possibilities god exists? This type of assumption doesn't get us anywhere because you're not bringing up any evidence for assuming such a thing. If you assume there are an infinite number of possibilities for god and an infinite number of possibilities that there is no god you end up right back where you started. Making assumptions like that is the complete lack of logic, not even a speck of it whatsoever.
The type of question you're asking here appears to be dealing with the probability of god existing and to determine if god exists or not you have to come up with reasons for and against and weight them based on their legitimacy.