Originally Posted by Medusa
The flashforward/flashback thing had me confused for a minute, but as soon as he left the panda in the car and ran after the guy and dropped his antique looking cell phone, I knew. Especially after running to get another panda. I don't think a father who didn't think he could be a father would miss the birth of his baby for a stuffed toy.
I sometimes think I'm way to gullible to watch LOST--I thought it was weird, obsessive behavior, but I didn't twig to a storytelling trick. I like to suspend my disbelief with this show, it rewards trust.
Originally Posted by Medusa
So...is Michael Ben's man on the boat? Is he pretending to not know who he is, or does he have amnesia or something?
Oh, I think absolutely he's Ben's man on the boat. Why would Ben have kept it a secret otherwise? If it's not Michael, there's no point not telling. "I have a man on their boat." "Who is it?" "Remember that guy who hasn't aged in like 15 years? The one who recruited Juliette? Him. But I'm not going to tell you--it's some big secret." Naaah. Had to be Michael.