Prince: The very first thing I would do is have your BP med checked. Is it the right drug for you, and is it the right dose? Without insurance for the sleep study, you might want to go with the assumption that you do have apnea. With that said, you could look for a practitioner that would also go with that assumption and not insist on the study. They may be willing to write you a prescription for the machine. You can rent them by the month at some medical supply stores I think, so you could try one out. I would give it at least a full month of every night to see how you feel. It will take time to get used to, but people truly feel better and Ive heard quite a few say it changed their life. I work with a PhD who uses part of her practice time to do psych evals for the morbidly obese prior to bariatric surgery. It is standard practice for this population to get a sleep study prior to surgery because the life changes prior and those to come will require mental and emotional stamina. A goodnight's rest is essential to one's wellbeing, ability to think, survive, and so on. Good luck dude. Ill think of you tonight.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all cheerful; strive for happiness - Desiderata