Originally Posted by Tully Mars
We're right it is an absurd example. Unless you think drug abuse and murder should be dealt with by similar methods?
If not I fail to see how the "logic is the same."
Ok, I'll be very clear.
The argument in favor of drug legalization often focuses on the costs involved, the people in prison, etc.
I am saying that just because its expensive it doesn't mean there isn't a valid reason for it that makes it worth the expense.
Murder trials and investigations are expensive too. I'm not equating drugs with murder, and I don't know how to explain this any clearer.
My first post? Are you getting threads confussed or simply not reading the same thread as I am?
At any rate- you stated "I'd be for 100% drug legalization but only in a libertarian government." And now you wonder why I addressed it in my post?
Your first response to me on this subject. You use a complete red herring as an example when I mention libertarianism and wonder why it has no place here? Not funding the police and army and borrowing from china? You might as well have typed random letters for all it had to do with what I am addressing.
Its quite simple for me here. You can make all drugs 100% legal for all I care as long as its the users total and sole responsibility. Not societies. Once its societies expense then society can start making laws against them.
Maybe MJ would be fine if it were legal, I think smoking it is amazingly stupid but I think smoking in general is amazingly stupid, and I don't have a problem with tobacco being legal, but we are talking the war on drugs, and thats more than MJ.