Let me cast a "False, but not out of line" vote. There have certainly been worse leaders than Bush since Hitler (maybe not a worse American President, but I don't think that was the question). However, I wouldn't call the comment out of line because I don't assume that most people actually mean it when they say such things and even if they do it is almost entirely unlikely that they did the research to back up such an opinion. If the comment is meant as to analogize the relative badness of awful world leaders then I suppose that is a valid opinion, though the one I don't agree with. Bush is awful, and some may consider him evil I suppose (though I wouldn't take it that far), but Hitler and other leaders since have been intentionally, maliciously, and truly evil in a category all together separate from any terrible results that were birthed by Bush.
"The courts that first rode the warhorse of virtual representation into battle on the res judicata front invested their steed with near-magical properties." ~27 F.3d 751