let me ask you something...who is other people? who cares what other people think of me? i certainly don't.
if someone is wrong i'll call them on their wrong doing and if they are right, i'll praise them.
Give credit where credit is due.
I refuse to be put in a situation where presidential candidate will say to me, "but dont you remember that time when i did this and that other time when i gave you a free holiday bla bla bla"
If you are in the wrong now, then i'm going to report on it...i'm not going to give you good publicity just cos you gave me a gift...unfortunately for him, that's how life works, or at least thats how i work and they will know that.
I refuse to comprimise my integrity as a journalist, something that i have worked so long and so hard for just for a few short nights of exotic pleasure, and they will know that too.
bottom line...if you're wrong, you're wrong and if you're right, you're right.
The Imagination equips us to see a reality we have yet to create