Originally Posted by robot_parade
My little rant was mostly informed by and directed at the over-simplistic logic that seems to dominate neocon thinking these days - that all regulation is bad, than any regulations that exist are bad for business and should be removed. There's a not-insignificant group of people who actually believe this (or at least, act as if they do).
Thats not really neocon thinking, as I see it... neo-con thinking seems to me to be more about big business protectionism, rather than free markets and all out deregulation. They love regulation, just as long as it's designed to create artificial and insurmountable barriers to entry in markets where their buddies are already established. Monopolies and Oligopolies propped up and enforced by government are the neo-cons bread and butter.
Remember, wherever you go... there you are.
Last edited by sprocket; 03-13-2008 at 02:02 PM..