Originally Posted by jennaboo4u
I had a lot of trouble even getting to play. No one wanted to play with me. I was new, a girl, and a lot of people think that bringing girlfriend's along is a strict NO. Whenever I go into gaming stores people look at me like "What the fuck are you doing here?" type of thing. So, I played by myself for a long time, with my boyfriend as the DM.
Thankfully, now I have some others to play with.
Too bad you didn't live around me when you wanted to learn play. The one of local gaming/comic shop is owned and run primarily by a girls. Actually now that I think about it the last male staff member quit a few months back. As a result we seem to have a rather high male to female gamer ratio. The guys still tend to out number the girls but it's like 3 to 1 not 100 to 1.
If more shops were like (even if it wasn't solely women, just one or two staff members) this I think women would have a much easier time learning how to play.
The nice side effect to this is less sweaty, unwashed gamer guys.