I see...
I guess I just view this as closer to prosecuting the drug addict and letting the dealer go free. I know the analogy is not perfect but it is as close I can get.
And yeah, I know if it was not this specific girl then it would have been another. In fact, I think we pretty much know there were others right? I mean, she was not the only girl from this service that he did this with if I understand right.
I am not absolving Spitzer either. He is just as wrong. I just can't get past the point that in the end they will suffer the "shame, exposure, legal jeopardy" as loquitur says but she will come out of it way up in terms of at least money, although knowing America she will be celebritized and gain more than just money out of it.
I just find it a bit incongruous that this act could well launch her career while killing his and they are both equally guilty of the same crime.
SQL query
SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0
Zero rows returned....