Originally Posted by abaya
The fear + educational factor works well, I think, to help them make wise(r) decisions than those who get no Sex Talk from the parents, or who are depending on church beliefs to get them through those years.
Please note the bolded part of my quote... I am not talking about using fear tactics alone, but a healthy dose of fear about the consequences of unsafe sex goes well with laying all the facts out on the table (education), in my opinion. I mean, it's like teaching kids to use lifejackets when they're in a boat on open water... yes, you give them the tools to survive falling overboard, but they have to develop a healthy fear of the power of water, too, so they don't see it as some innocuous thing that will never hurt them as long as they are wearing lifejackets. Maybe a lame analogy, but it works for me.
The kind of fear that I DON'T support is the one put forth by churches and youth groups, that you are taught to fear premarital sex because it will cause God to be disappointed in you, or that your future spouse will see you as "damaged goods," or whatever... basically to fear sex because it's all wrapped up with spirituality and how "godly" you are, or not. I do not support those kinds of fear tactics, whatsoever. Fear of getting STD's or getting pregnant (or getting someone else pregnant?)--nothing wrong with that.