Ummm, I don't think ANY of us think you are being overly dramatic. I think most of us think you are making yourself miserable for a noble but, ultimately, doomed cause. Get yourself out of there before you get in any deeper, if she refuses to get professional help. And I mean, she should be on the phone TODAY, making an appointment with a counselor... if she's not ready to contribute to the relationship by making you happy, then "being in love with her" is not going to save it. If she is trying to make you feel guilty about "making a big deal about sex and intimacy," then that's all the warning you need... she has no understanding of the role of physical intimacy in a relationship. (I say this as someone who was in the same position as she was, due to religious influence, in my late teens... but thankfully, I did grow out of it... but still lost a relationship as a result.) Do you want this for the next 50 years??? Because that's all you're gonna get, buddy. Never marry anyone with the expectation that they are going to change. They are going to stay just as they are, or they'll change in ways that you never imagined... but they'll never change the way that you want them to.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran