I was just reading the
The creation of the universe.. Evolution or Religion..? thread and I was shocked, disappointed and angered that it was a merged thread. It was conflating several disparate issues and everyone was taking really poorly conceived potshots at each other. It was painful and embarrassing to read. So, I am starting a new thread...
This thread will concentrate on a single issue: that biological evolution (specifically common ancestry) is incontrovertible scientific fact. It is not an exaggeration to say that Evolution is as well supported a theory as Gravitation. Here are a couple of sources to help you understand this:
For some reason, no one ever seems to notice the
excellent sticky at the top of this forum, written by
tecoyah. They are excellent refutations of common creationist myths. In typical TFP tradition, please go read that thread before posting any questions here.
Converging Lines of Evidence is an excellent article aimed at the layperson (that's all of you!) on why we know that evolution happened. The theme is that several different and unrelated disciplines of biology all independently confirm evolution.
If you're literate and have some free time, an indepth coverage of the scientific evidence for evolution can be found at
29 Evidences for Macroevolution, which was written by Dr. Douglas Theobald, a practicing biochemist at
Brandeis University.
Now, what *I will be doing here is answering any questions you might have regarding the theory of Evolution. I may refer you to articles or youtube videos if I feel they will answer your question better than me or I feel overwhemled by questions (I don't really see this happening) but, generally, I expect to answer them personally. Particularly, I will answer questions of what evidence exists, although the sources above should do that, and how alleged flaws aren't really flaws. I may also explain how "creation science" claims aren't really science, if I've heard them before.
What I won't be doing is debating theology. Evolution, like all science, is perfectly agnostic as to the existence of God, an untestable hypothesis. This will be a strictly scientific thread. As such, it's tempting to place this in the
science forum but not only is the motivational thread here but the sticky
here deals with the science, so obviously some scientific discussion may happen in this forum.
So, come read, come learn and have fun!
*while I'm not a biologist (I'm a mathemagician), I do feel that I understand far more science than most of the people in this forum. Additionally, I am connected to some scientists, including biologists, and I am willing to forward any questions I can't, personally, answer...