Thanks for your support Craven, I especially appreciate the "blah..." If there had even been a little humor, you know what I mean? Thank you again.
From the Ladies Only Lounge, posted by namako:
Tpop left about 30 minutes ago. He whooped and hollared and said he hadn't had this much fun since 1976. So I get the idea hes just checking it out. He had built it up while waiting a month for his Kaiser appt. His MD has given him a sample of one pill, to be cut in half. So his new drug of choice is now down to just one more time. I asked him if he would fill the Rx and he thought he might, but that he wouldnt use it every time, without elaborating. So maybe just on special occasions, like a good brandy.
Physically Tpop was harder and lasted longer, I didn't clock it, but having some sense of time passing I would think he was very hard for about an hour before he came. This gave him the time to play more, which he appreciated. This also affected him emotionally, and he was genuinely happy with more self-confidence. He is a really fun lover anyway and he was more so with the Levitra. That is exactly how I like him best, when he is being himself. So for me it was great too both physically and emotionally, but it always is with or without and I mentioned this to him.
For those of you who asked, he is in good health and is not on any daily meds. Hes pretty vibrant and special, and takes good care of himself. Hes almost a dream.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all cheerful; strive for happiness - Desiderata