Originally Posted by Shauk
I would have a problem with it if I were in to that age group still lol.
flashback to 10 years ago.
Well hey, if you ask me, it's a better alternative than religion for keeping kids from having unsafe sex. At least this is based on some kind of semi-factual information, instead of beliefs in "purity" and requiring virginity till marriage, etc. I find that approach to be far more insidious than this kind of article.
And personally, I see nothing wrong with scaring the shit out of our future children about the dangers and disasters of sex, long before they're old enough to partake in anything of the sort. I had religion to keep me from even considering it back then, but I'm not relying on that for my own kids. The fear + educational factor works well, I think, to help them make wise(r) decisions than those who get no Sex Talk from the parents, or who are depending on church beliefs to get them through those years.