yeah galaxy is a blast.
it plays like mario64, just better. and it looks great. the sounds great too.
actually, nearly everything is great. my personal favorite game right now.
i'm a but surprised that you dont have smash bros brawl in your list - so i guess you're (like me) from europe!? or you just dont like fighting games.
so i'm really waiting for brawl to come out here.
anyway, i'd also recommend metroid prime 3. great atmosphere and the wiimote-controls work flawlessly. visuals arent too good - basically, it looks like prime1, just a bit shinier and more blur-effects here and there. too bad they didnt really upgrade more.
regarding the controls: thats how the controls in red steel should have been (which is also a great game anyway, imo). i hope they'll consider this in redsteel 2.
also, guitar hero 3 rocks.
but i'd buy it for pc, just because its cheaper on pc.