is a common practice here that when you pose a question in the OP, asking for opinions of others:
When does political view become racist in your opinion?
...that you give your own opinion first. Still waiting on clarification or explanation from pan on his opinion.
Further, when the same poster decries labeling and a defensive, hate filled negative atmosphere:
I am trying to find out why people are quick to label, why people are quick to change the topic and instead of trying to promote a learning, positive atmosphere of sharing, when they instead create a defensive, hate filled negative atmosphere of closed mindedness.
| is not unreasonable to ask that poster to explain or clarify his own labeling, and what some might characterize as "defensive, hate filled negative atmosphere" (his Obama church characterization, not the issue of ILLEGALS)
And I dont think Pan is a racist either but I would like an explanation for his double standards.