Originally Posted by thingstodo
I guess you are unaware of the impact from eating meat dosed with all the antibiotics. I understand from several doctors I know that this is a big contributor to the problem as well. It's in pretty much everything out there. Sad.
No I am completely aware of the effects thank you very much. The -whole-
human superbug problem played out exactly as I just posted above. If you do not believe me, then by all means do your own research. And for what its worth, there are a -ton- of misinformed (or otherwise) doctors out there who forgot the science that got them to where they are.
Originally Posted by thingstodo
Sorry, but I don't think this is a media frenzy. Read the article and you'll see other impacts from all this stuff out there. We're just beginning to understand what is going on because we're just beginning to look into this stuff. It builds up over time. And humans aren't getting tested yet. And I'm sure Big Brother doesn't want us to know.
So if this is not a media frenzy, why the sudden mass exposure of data that are years old? This information has been circulated in the scientific literature for many years now yet there has been almost no reaction - until recently. We haven't just now 'stumbled' onto this as you suggest - lol.
We have studied the effects of low-level hormone exposure in humans for -years- now. We know many of the effects, both beneficial and harmful. Similarly, science has been studying the effect of low-level exposure to many other drugs in our food and water, but these studies have not enjoyed the same duration of study as the hormone studies.
Bioactive drugs do not remain in the body either in their pure form, or as metabolites for very long (few exceptions, but they are engineered that way). So this 'build up' argument it false at this level. What you -may- be tying to explain is something called bioaccumulation. This is certainly a problem, as I glossed over in my first post.
Originally Posted by thingstodo
Say, are you a part of Big Brother?
Ok, this pretty much indicates that any intelligent reply to your post is in vain.
Originally Posted by thingstodo
We're in for a world of shit as time goes on. Ask anyone you know in their late 70s and older how many people they knew when they were kids that had cancer. Even cigs weren't as bad for you back then.
People were dying of "natural causes" back then at a much higher frequency. Now just imagine medicine was able to properly recognize less 'visible' forms of cancer and could have properly attributed these deaths to cancer?
Yes, I believe that we are in a more cancer-prone environment now more than ever .. but cancer has -always- existed in biology.
Originally Posted by thingstodo
I don't care how much you try to simplify this, it's happening. And unless you're qualified scientist looking at the data over time I'm just not buying your point of view. Sorry, nothing personal.
I have a combined honors degree in Biology and Biotechnology specializing in functional microbial biochemistry. I am currently working towards a master's degree in bioorganic chemistry with a focus on enzyme product based active-site characterization in eukaryotes using cryptoregiostereochemistry.
I happen to have read many hundreds of scientific papers on environmental microbiology and chemistry. How much more informed / "qualified" do I need to be?
No offense taken. What's your background aside from paranoia?