Gee, host, could Spitzer have made some enemies in the corporate world when he was AG? Nah, couldn't be. It could NEVER happen that someone with an axe to grind would get wind of this investigation and start a leak. I mean it's not like Spitzer managed to get a billionaire fired from his own company or anything. Or that he hammered Wall Street with corruption charges.
And FBI officials with law school friends on Wall Street would NEVER let something gossip about something juicy like this.
Host, you LOVE to see conspiracies among the Republicans. Your world seems to be either black or white. I see shades of grey and admit that sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. You've never made any such admission.
You've supplied no proof that this was a DoJ "hit job" as you put it. You can "suspect" all you want, but you have zero proof of that. Regardless of how much information you try to bury me under (and I suspect that's coming since it's your trademark), it will be, at best, vague speculation until someone comes forth and admits it. Which we both know will never happen. And that makes my theory equal yours in credibility.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - B. Franklin
"There ought to be limits to freedom." - George W. Bush
"We have met the enemy and he is us." - Pogo