Originally Posted by The_Jazz
Let me get this straight - you think that the FBI should just stop all domestic crime-fighting? Or that it's the message that's being sent? Because I vehemently disagree with either sentiment.
The FBI is an internal force only. They look for terrorists here on our shores, among other things.
So host, where was your outrage last year when they handed down indictments on the Chicago Outfit? A quick search reveal 0 threads or comments by you about that.
Inconsistent much?
Why "the tone", The_Jazz? I don't think you made a strong enough argument to back what seems like a veiled attack on me.
Here are the facts. This prositutuion "investigation", is, by standards of this national emergency we've been told that we're in, for six years and six months now, and by the 20 year track record of the FBI.....what would you call it....a "pull back"....yeah, 40 percent decline in referrals is a pull back....maybe even a sign of dereliction of duty, a "bullshit" investigation.
Huge resources brought to bear....on a prostitution "ring"? Why?
Federal Criminal Referrals
For Prosecution Drop
Local Authorities
Get Bigger Load,
TRAC Study Says
March 7, 2008; Page A8
WASHINGTON -- Federal law-enforcement agencies are reducing the number of cases they are referring for prosecution even though investigative resources have been increased, said a study released yesterday.
According to the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, federal criminal referrals for prosecution have fallen 2.4%, to 111,478 last year from 114,197 in 1986, for all cases except immigration. The number of immigration cases nearly quadrupled, to 41,645from 11,551.
The study attributes much of the drop to four agencies: the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Secret Service, the Internal Revenue Service and the Postal Inspection Service. The four are most responsible for white-collar investigations, such as mail, tax and financial fraud, as well as counterfeiting and cyberspace crimes.
<h3>FBI referrals dropped 39% to 25,129 in 2007 from 41,292 suspects in 1987</h3>. The Secret Service's referrals fell 58% to 5,070 from 12,160 in the period.....
The_Jazz, are you saying that you see the investigation and prosecution of this....mulitple murder and racketeering and official corruption, as something to be compared to an investigation of prostituion that prompted, just since last october, if I read it correctly, all of that wire tapping, seeking and execution of search warrants, the gathering and examination of thousands of phone calls, emails, text messages....
You don't see my questions as legitimate, or reasonable, considering everything else I'm showing you?
As the result of an investigation dubbed, "Operation Family Secrets," many mobsters in The Outfit were under indictment as of April 25, 2005 in connection with 18 murders as well as two attempted bombings of the known mob hang outs Tom's Steakhouse, in Melrose Park, Illinois, and Horwath's, in Elmwood Park, Illinois, stretching back four decades. Included were James "Little Jimmy" Marcello, Nicholas Ferriola, Joseph "The Clown" Lombardo, Sr., Michael Marcello, Frank "The German" Schweihs, Frank Calabrese, Sr., Paul "The Indian" Schiro, former Chicago Police Department officer Anthony "Twan" Doyle, Thomas Johnson, Joseph Venezia, and Dennis Johnson. Another successful bombing still unsolved of the electronic store Polk Brothers, in Melrose Park, had been added in the indictment, however no evidence existed in that case and the State's star courtroom witness Nicolas Calabrese had no knowledge of the incident so the charge has subsequently been dropped.
Two among the indicted have died. Frank "Gumba" Saladino was found dead in a hotel in Hampshire, Illinois. FBI Agent Robert Grant said there was no indication of foul play, and he did not believe Saladino, 59, had killed himself. Grant said $25,000 in cash and $70,000 in checks were recovered at the scene. Michael Ricci has also died.
In April 2005, federal indictments for racketeering and murder were brought upon many top mobsters for gangland slayings including Michael "Bones" Albergo, Dan Seifert, Paul Haggerty, Henry Consentino, John Mendell, Donald Renno, Vincent Moretti, William and Charlotte Dauber, William "Butch" Petrocelli, Michael Cagnoni, Nicholas D'Andrea, Richard D. Ortiz, Arthur Morawski, Emil Vaci, Anthony ("Tony," "The Ant") Spilotro, Michael Spilotro and John Fecarotta.
On January 11, 2007, Deputy United States Marshal John Thomas Ambrose, 38, a former supervisory inspector of the Marshals Service's Great Lakes Regional Fugitive Task Force, was charged with revealing information concerning the cooperation and travel plans of Nicholas Calabrese, expected to be a key witness in the government's Operation Family Secrets murder conspiracy case, to an associate of reputed outfit boss John "No Nose" DiFronzo. The current operations are said to be controlled now by Sam "Wings" Carlisi's grandson, Carlo Capinelli, who spends most of his time in Las Vegas, Nevada.
On September 10, 2007, the federal trial based on "Operation Family Secrets" concluded in Chicago. On trial were Joseph Lombardo, James Marcello, Frank Calabrese, Sr., Paul Shiro, and former Chicago police officer Anthony Doyle. The men were accused of a racketeering conspiracy which includes 18 counts of murder, many of which have gone unsolved for decades, although many people have speculated for years some "hits" were carried out by the younger "connected" associates. An anonymous group of jurors heard the case, only known by numbers not their names. All men have been found guilty on racketeering conspiracy, bribery, illegal gambling and tax fraud.[1]
On September 21, 2007, a federal jury in Chicago, in a second round of deliberations, found Frank Calabrese, Sr., committed seven murders, James Marcello two murders and Joseph Lombardo one murder. As a result, the men face up to life in prison because the slayings were committed in the course of the racketeering conspiracy. The jury, however, was unable to reach a decision on the one murder attributed to defendant Paul Schiro.[2]
Doesn't it seem just as likely that this is an overblown partisan, political, witch hunt, especially with what we know about what this administration has done to partisanize the DOJ?
Last edited by host; 03-10-2008 at 04:57 PM..