Originally Posted by pan6467
I think while I have the name wrong...... again it was solely an example.... this is a very strong scenario.
Of course what do I know, some great Dem pundits here mocked me and told me I had no idea what I was talking about when I said Fla. and Mich. were going to bite them on the ass or cost taxpayers millions and either way have the voters in those states pissed off.
pan...when you make such a definitive statement "this (Hillary going Independent and selecting a Republican running mate) is a VERY STRONG SCENARIO"...it is not mocking you to suggest that there is absolutely nothing in her words and actions that would reasonably suggest such a "strong scenario"...or even a plausible scenario.
Perhaps I missed something. If you have any information that the Dem pundits here overlooked, put it out there!
But I see a trend among the recent threads....any strong reaction to your strong statements is an attack.