Originally Posted by shakran
Hey Host. Tucker Carlson is a moron. He is NOT a journalist. He just plays one on TV.
Do you mean that literally or figuratively?
What is the world coming to when people are so thinned skinned that they can not take being called a name?
From the time Sen. Clinton became known on a national level I heard about unflattering descriptions used about her.
I think Tucker was on target with his question. The point is not Clinton being called a monster, but what is the basis for calling her a monster. I want the politicians that I support to be "monsters". Take no prisoners, make no compromises. If you called me a "monster", I would say thank you.
Personally, I think Clinton will do or say whatever needs to be said or done for power. I am amused by those on the left who have concerns about Bush and Chaney but would ignore what Clinton would do.