pan....when opinions in posts are based on false assumptions or misrepresentation of the facts (ie Obama/church/pastor or illegals dont pay taxes)
..or when opinions are so simplistic (ie Obama benefits from black votes because he is black, Koran endorses killing infidels), they ignore the broader context is not wrong to point those facts out..but it is not a personal attack or a characterization of the poster as a racist.
One's political views may not be racist, but the word used to back up those views may have a racist connotation to some viewers. I hope you can appreciate the difference.
IMO, if you and Ustwo feel you are being persecuted for your views, perhaps you should examine your words more closely and objectively to see how they MAY be perceived by others as false, misleading and, if taken out of context, appear to some to be racists in their tone. That still is not the same as calling you (or Ustwo) racists.
"The perfect is the enemy of the good."
~ Voltaire
Last edited by dc_dux; 03-10-2008 at 10:54 AM..