This has been pissing me off for a long, long time. D&D didn't just spawn WoW, it set the basis for pretty much every game ever. I have a poster with a big ass dragon on it and it says, "We invented the boss monster."
I've been playing D&D for about ten years. I've never touched WoW. I won't allow myself, I'd get addicted.
As far as the "lack of rules" argument, that's the main reason I enjoy D&D. Just me and my friends sittin around havin a blast. We sit around and figure things out together. Some nights we don't even go on missions or anything, we just take our characters through crazy little antics.
I could never get that level of fun out of WoW or anything like WoW. It just wouldn't be the same.
And I hope you know Jenna, some of us nerdy D&D guys spend the entirety of our lives looking for a girl like you.