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Old 03-08-2008, 02:03 PM   #12139 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
BadNick's Avatar
Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
ooooo. I love olives. And good olive oil. Last week I got a great batch at a local Italian specialties store, I forget the name of the olives now, they are bright green but are sort of soft and have more of a ripe taste compared to other green olives I've had; packed in a brine sort of like calamatta olives.

In 1968 when I was a freshman at Villanova U. engineering college, we were still using slide rules, very few if any calculators around; we finally got three or four calculators in the M.E. labs where we used to work on projects/homework, these had a footprint about 24"L X 18"W X 8"D, a small 3" or 4" screen that held about 10 lines of data/numbers; this calculator cost several thousand dollars; the department chairman told me they paid an extra $1500 each to add the square root button.

ring, in lieu of a job, think of something you can do from home that will make you a lot of money; don't worry about getting more than you can handle, we'll help you spend it and save some too.
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