Socialism in genetic terms is group selection. Group selection does not exist in nature, human or otherwise, it is unstable as cheaters will make the system unstable.
that, ustwo, is idiotic.
how about this game, then.
you seem to imagine that genetics determines the contents of human capabilities, not merely the capacities to acquire capabilities---which is functionally the claim that genetics determines how you will use language--what you will say---and not just your capacity to acquire language and something of the boundary conditions that may limit that acquisition.
that means that you understand human beings as a type of thing and their genetic makeup as a type of essence.
human beings perform their essence.
that means that human beings are not free in any meaningful way--they are repetition machines whose primary function is the performance of system characteristics given in advance by their genetic makeup--a kind of zip file, i take it.
so you oppose socialism, which you do not understand at all, in the name of a conception of "freedom" based on an "understanding" of genetics that functionally erases all possibility of freedom.
way to go.
but it gets better: you also have made it clear that you understand this essence as unevenly distributed--you understand human beings to be naturally hierarchical and you understand capitalist hierarchies as an expression of these natural hierarchies--presumably because you like to imagine yourself as atop them.
so communities are groups which array themselves along natural hierarchies.
communities themselves are "natural" or "organic"--you know, pure, with a clear inside and outside. like human beings, they are closed systems the primary function of which is the performance of their own characteristics, the implications of their "essence" deployed across time.
if communities are closed, self referential systems, then they are amenable to contamination.
contamination would disrupt the orderly repetition of natural hierarchies in the context of organic communities, and so would be threats to the organic nature of the community.
contaminants would have to be eliminated.
they are disease.
welcome to fascism. in this case, your "genetic theory" is a kinda of corporatism, so you probably would have been a perfectly content italian fascist and maybe would have objected to the bluntness of german fascism--unless you felt that the body politic was under threat from some disease from within or without, in which case you'd maybe have been ok with a little bluntness. or not, it's hard to say: but at the ideological core of things, there is little distinction between your "genetic" views and those of some of the corporatist theorists that appealed to mussolini and which drew the catholic church into supporting him through the 1920s and early 30s.
you too would have no problem with jailing the entire political left as disease carriers. it follows.