Originally Posted by roachboy
i like little logic exercises.
so you oppose what you imagine socialism to be.
because of the way you choose to oppose what you imagine socialism to be, it follows that you are yourself therefore a full manifestation of human nature.
because human nature and you coincide in your mutual opposition to what you imagine socialism to be.
so human nature is both parochial and smug.
well played.
Ah word games.
Socialism in genetic terms is group selection. Group selection does not exist in nature, human or otherwise, it is unstable as cheaters will make the system unstable.
I oppose socialism because its fundamentally flawed. If it were not than you would see like minded socialists creating thriving socialist communities, you need not tanks and the IRS to be a socialist, and almost all have failed completely.
It doesn't even work on a small scale on a voluntary basis, yet people like you want to see it enforced under penalty of law.
It would be laughable if it wasn't so disgusting.
Originally Posted by powerclown
"Genetically motivated slaves"....hmm, never thought of it like that. So are you saying that when insects are acting in a "social" manner, its a different kind of social than that attributed to humans or even, say, chimps?
Worker social insects do not reproduce, only the queens/drones. The workers sacrifice their own reproduction, selves, for the good of their mother. This is a mathematically stable relationship in genetic terms (your mother is as related to you as your own children would be). Its completely alien to all but one mammal species, the naked mole rat, which has evolved a lifestyle very much like a social insect.
When chimps band together it is for protection, defeating rival males, and mating. Three weaker male chimps can beat one stronger male, and then all three get to mate. Its not socialism, but closer to capitalism. A contract between the males of a group that they will work together and share the food and mating, but they are not equal in the group. Sex and food are the currencies of their societies.