Originally Posted by JinnKai
I think that happiness and wealth are directly proportional; a linear relationship. As my wealth increases, so too does my happiness. I don't anticipate a decrease in happiness relative to wealth. We're talking about money, not working, after all. If I were working more and having less free time for that wealth, then perhaps.
But I can't see being UNHAPPIER with more money, and I think that (disturbingly) this is a lie that the media tell us and we tells ourselves so we don't feel so bad about being poor.
But I know that most people believe the lie, so I will understand when you all disagree vehemently. I imagine I will hear a lot of "I'm not rich but I'm happy" comments of people feeling defensive, but I don't think any of you could in good faith pronounce that you'd be LESS happy with your bills paid off and more money than you could spend.
You're not supposed to say this sort of thing to people because it will make them sad if they realize that it is actually a lie, but this is the Internet and I can say whatever I want freely and openly.
I believe you believe that. I also believe you might be right. Happiness is something each person has to define for them self. What makes you happy may in fact not make me happy. The likewise is also true.
I've read a few studies concerning lotteries winners and some point to very unhappy lives and some contradict that. I remember reading a study that concluded lottery winners were less happy then the general population and I thought "I'll volunteer to be in the winners group of that study."
I think you have a point about having money and having to work night and day to get it. Would I be more happy if a ton of cash befell me? Don't know but I'd be willing to find out. There's at least a couple boats and a plane I'd like to at least take out for a test drive. And if having money really created a bunch of problems I have a feeling I could find worthy causes to donate to and I'd be right back where I was before becoming wealthy.