Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
One thing, though--these things happen more often in the introductory classes. Once you get into the upper-level classes in your discipline, the people who spent class sleeping or texting have disappeared--either they've switched to an easier major or they've been kicked out of school completely.
That is an excellent point. I didn't think of that.
Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
I guarantee you'll notice a difference once you get further along; you'll only have to see the sorostitutes when you're walking on campus.
That's an excellent word.
I hadn't heard that one before.
Though it's not them that bother me as much as the very
fact that they bother me. If that makes sense. I've always had a very laissez-faire attitude about people - as in, whatever floats your boat is cool - and I've been politically quite unattached and liberal. And I see much of that open-mindedness chipping away as I grow older, and it bothers me.