I hate feeling so old.
I went "back to school" and am on my second semester of college. I enjoy the learning, all the knowledge and information I am absorbing. I love writing papers and all that. It's very stimulating, intellectually.
But the students annoy the fuck out of me. Sometimes I want to yell and ask if it's too much trouble to turn the cell phone off for 50 fucking minutes so that I can concentrate on the lecture. I don't understand this cell phone shit. What is so important to text at 8:30am? And then there's the laptop people. When I first started college I saw a lot of people with them, and I figured that's a great way to take notes and work on papers between lectures. But 9 out of 10 of these chicks, with the shirts that are too small and pants that hang below their hips leaving half of their ass showing, I see them using their notebooks just for MySpace, Facebook and similar teen sites. Then there's that guy who comes to the Biology lecture at 8 am and pulls his hood over his head and goes to sleep, then wakes up after the lecture and asks me if he missed anything. Every. Single. Time. Or the guy who always shows up late for English and never has a pen or a pencil.
I don't understand why they bother to show up. All this knowledge and education at their fingertips, and they choose to piss it away.
And feeling this way makes me feel old. We didn't have cell phones when I was their age, and showing skin actually wasn't considered "cool." Only geeks like me had an email address, and we had to Telnet in to check it. But I'm sure we were equally uninterested, equally intellectually afloat.
I'm gonna be 31 this spring and these college kids, or rather how they make me feel, are making me feel awfully old, and I hate that. I've always considered myself very flexible in terms of what I consider cool, and what I consider appropriate. I mean, if I see some couple screwing in a tube on the river, I say good for them and clap. But if I see these 18 year old girls with their tank tops and their ass cracks showing, I feel embarrassed for them. I mean, it's like... Yeah, it looks hot in a way, but not in the good way. They look like whores to me. It looks hot in the "I'd like to fuck her, but I don't want to know her name, or let anyone know I even let her speak to me" kind of way.
It's scary as shit. Maybe I envy them. They're young, thin, tone, and they drive cars worth more than my wife's and mine annual budget. So, for my part, I feel like I might as well mow the lawn in a hawaiian shirt, khaki pants, wearing black socks and slippers, listening to the Dave Matthews Band. Because if I am this incapable of understanding and relating to people only about 13 years younger, then there's very little hope for me in the years to come.
Who is John Galt?