I don't see how it is an issue of quick and dirty.
For starters, the article in the OP itself doesn't atest to American actions being illegal, so the title is moot.
Also there is no way of knowing, and I would say that the notion is false, that this infighting is a result of American string pulling. Their were problems from the get go between Fatah and Hamas, it started when Abbas used his powers to dissolve the parliament after weeks of instability and infighting.
I have no problem with the US backing the PA and Fatah, and I don't see how any of you here can either. For starters a lot of you always piss and moan about the plight of the Palestinian people, under Abbas and Fatah things were getting down and the road map was working. Their were no incursions, many check points were open, foreign aid was allowed to reach the people things were looking up. Hell until the last week the only real people killing Palestinians were other Palestinians, then Hamas started firing rockets off again.
The Palestinians had to do the dumbest possible thing and elect a terrorist organization into power. Every hardliner in Israel probably blew their load at the prospect.
Just because it is their right to vote as such, doesn't make it smart, and it doesn't mean we should have to stand for it. They are like little kids, they need the guidance because they obviously cannot figure this out for themselves. I mean unless they like living under martial law with the presence of Israeli tanks and soldiers on the whims of incursions.
ANd we do have a say in this because we are vested and the whole damn world seems to think it is our responsibilty to help them with it via some peace frame work.
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.