Originally Posted by Mojo_PeiPei
I don't get what is so "illegal" about this. We are giving arms to Fatah, a party/faction of the Palestinian government that is (more) favorable to America, willing to work with Israel, and has actually made moves to reign in terrorist activity. Fatah is elected to the Palestinian government, it just so happens Hamas has more clout than them, the two share a brokered peace deal with the Palestinian President being a member of Fatah.
Also to say that these actions equate to America stoking a "Palestinian Civil War" are completely false and offbase. The two factions needed no help in fighting and running each other out of each others terrority akin to Iraqi sectarian violence where Hamas runs Gaza and Fatah runs the West Bank.
Also I don't see who this is an impeachable offense. We are supplying arms to the Palestinian government technically.
Fatah, the political party, is who we apparently gave arms to, for the express purpose of overthrowing the Hamas-led (democratically elected) government. That's not giving the Palestinian government weapons. It's exactly the equivalent of if the French government sent of truckload of AK-47's from Mexico to the Democratic National Committee so they could drive the Republican-led government out of Washington. How could that be anything but stoking an American Civil War?
Originally Posted by host
Nice opening, got any examples of OPs fitting your description, or just posting in a sarcastic provocative vein?
Yes. ;-)