Originally Posted by urbandev
I haven't had a reason to use it, but i keep this and a 6 cell mag lite under the edge of the bed
I'd recommend spending the coin on a weapon-mounted light. Even a cheapo one that mounts on the end of your mag tube is better than a separate flashlight. Your escalation-of-force ammo list is nice but I don't think it does any good if you can't see the dude. If you can wrangle both a slide-action shotgun and a Mag-Lite effectively at the same time... you're a better man than I, Gunga Din. This is especially true if you need to go from one ammo type to another immediately. Shotguns require both hands due to weight, loading method, and the large size of their ammo versus their magazine type and capacity. Identification (illumination) of a threat is paramount and must be accomplished while the weapon is at the ready. One never shoots at something they can't see and but illuminating a threat without being able to immediately engage it is equally foolish, IMHO.
A bright light and a shotgun racking noise will send anybody sane running.
Real nice shotgun setup, though.
Originally Posted by urbandev
2 Rock Salt - Bloody stinging anus
HAHAHAH... can I get that printed on the side of the hulls?