Rule 1: Locate significant other, pets and other loved ones immediately. as you don't want to shoot your kid in the face for slipping in past curfew.
Rule 2: If you plan to bring a weapon, make sure you know how to use and are willing to use it, and don't become a victim of your own weapon.
Rule 3: If they are escaping, let them...that was the original goal, right? chances are they wont be returning.
I haven't had a reason to use it, but i keep this and a 6 cell mag lite under the edge of the bed:
Holds 7 shells,
2 Blanks - Urine inducing
2 Rock Salt - Bloody stinging anus
2 7-shot - Wounded, hopefully fleeing
1 00 buck - Now i have a mess and i have to call the property management agency and explain why my apartment needs new carpet...